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Heirloom gifts for Her
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Hi. What are some heirloom/keepsake gifts for my gf (23F)? I’m interested in luxury goods/jewelry/items that you can keep forever and don’t need to change.
For instance, what is the female equivalent of cuff links, tie clips, tie, or nice watch?
Currently thinking about hair forks, hair clips, and music box. Not considering solitaire necklace or wallets or jewelry box because I’ve already done those.
Specific items and brands that have them would be really helpful! Thanks!
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Uh cufflink=bracelet
Tie clip/Tie=necklace
If you have done all that, why not a anklet?
Can you gift Heirloom shards next season?
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Finally got my heirloom shards as a day one player, but I was thinking about gifting them to my brother if possible.
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no you can from my understanding only gift items you can buy with coins. you can't directly buy heirloom shards.
One of my favorite gifts, Wraith’s heirloom
Main Post: One of my favorite gifts, Wraith’s heirloom
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That’s dope as hell bro!
One of my favorite gifts, Wraith’s heirloom : apexlegends
Main Post: One of my favorite gifts, Wraith’s heirloom : apexlegends
Need your heirloom quality gift ideas!
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Hey all, looking to buy a work client a wedding gift and am hoping to get them and heirloom quality gift. I am not in a good shopper so I would love your suggestions! Looking to spen between $300 to $500. Couple is late 20's. right now possible option Include
-Hudson bay heritage wool blanket.
- Travel bag/luggage (any good brands to look at?)
What do you guys recommend? Canadian made products get bonus points!
Thanks jn advance!
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That blanket is a great idea. 25 years after my wedding and I couldn't reliably find 99% of the gifts we received. The Pendleton blanket my friend gifted is 3 feet away from me and has been in regular use (almost) every day.
Navigating family heirloom gifts that I don't necessarily want?
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Both my mom and grandmother keep telling me they have items that have been passed down among the women in my family "once I have a house of my own." (In their minds this translates to "after I'm married" but I might move in with a partner soon and acquire a house that way but that's another conversation lol.) I'm the only granddaughter, so I'll perhaps be the recipient of more items than if I had women cousins. I'm torn because I see the sentimental and historic value of these things, but the declutterer in me cringes at the thought of collecting, say, a mirror used by a great grandmother I never met or my grandmother's jewelry that I will never wear. How do you navigate these things?
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I have both of my husband's grandmothers things he picked out when they died, I have some jewelry and a blanket from my great grandma, and I have my childhood bedroom furniture I inherited from my mom (still living).
It all carries too much weight.
My grandpa was still asking to make sure I still had the bedroom furniture up to the day he died. My aunt still fights with mom because she still wants it.
To redo the vanity for my kids to use it was about $700. One of the bed frames has broken again, I've had it repaired three times and I'm just over it.
Every time I walk past the kids' bedroom, I become frustrated with the broken furniture. Every time I take a shower, granny's decorative picture stares back at me when I get out. Every time I'm in the kitchen, her ugly pointless jars take up counter space and get in my way.
I just don't understand how I can have furniture for 30+ years but I still have to "check with family," and keep it, because someone else used it for a handful of years as a kid.
Sorry for the late vent - I was trying to find someone with a similar furniture situation but this was the only thing that came up. Ugh.
Heirloom Gift Ideas
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I’m 30 and my friends are all having babies now. My “thing” is that I build them a toy box for the first child. Now, my best friend is about to have his 2nd.
I don’t want to build another toy box and have them be burdened by two large toy boxes. This is also the first baby girl. So, I was hoping to hear some ideas of what I can build her there she can keep the rest of her life like the toy box?
I was thinking a memory box or something like that (where I can try to work on my veneer and inlay skills) but I’d love to hear everyone’s ideas!
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My grandpa built each of us grandkids a nice oak bookcase. It's something that will be useful our entire lives, pretty sure mine is in roughly it's 10th house at this point.
Heirloom Baby Gifts Advice : r/Mommit
Main Post: Heirloom Baby Gifts Advice : r/Mommit